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Tatishev family’s Statement


Yerzhan lives in our hearts. Today, when the verdict has already entered into force, and the criminals have pleaded guilty, we want to say thanks to people who, like us, believed in justice and supported us in this fight. This struggle lasted 14 years, and justice even triumphed over time.

It was hard for us. It was hard and painful for us when monstrous crimes were hidden behind power and money, hidden behind politics. But there were always people who, just like us, believed in the power of the law and fought for the truth. And the retaliation came about as part of an honest investigation and an open, fair trial.

No one can escape punishment for their atrocities. Today, after many years, we know and believe that all persons involved in the crimes against Yerzhan will be punished. Without exception. This faith will not give us back our son, brother, husband and father, but a sense of justice gives us the strength to live with the pain of loss.

We want to appeal to all the people who are seeking justice today. Do not stop. Go for it. Fight for justice even when no one believes in it.

This is the only thing worth fighting for.

Tatishev family

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